Take a seat, crack a cold one. Fellow Kinsman delivers a heart warming and decadent live performance of Trippin to a SOLD OUT Turner Hall Ballroom in Milwaukee, WI. Sharing the stage with other Milwaukee powerhouses Social Cig, Bug Moment, and Diet Lite. Catch moments from behind the scenes, and get a feel for the love and sound that is Fellow Kinsman.
Directed and Edited by Isaiah Joseph (@attackisaiah)
1st AC Tommy Moore - Head of DAYBREAK Magazine (@tommymooretudio / @daybreak_mag)
Audio by Cheston Vanhuss - @chestonvh
Merch by Jess Ferruzza - @ferry_ferruzza
Stage and Credit Animation by Rithi Punyamurthula - @biterithi
Flash and Tattoos by James Boelter - @jamee.art
Manager: Zachary Kinsman - @zkinsman
Booking Agent: Kitty Pellegreen - @kittwith2ts